Kimber Gabryszak: - Skeleton racing - Mountain biking (especially downhilling) - Travel - Family - and much MUCH MORE!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Team Trials Day 1 - FAIL!

After a miserably long trip out to Placid...

  • over 13 hours
  • a delayed flight
  • my piriformis/glute cramping so badly I had to do therapy in agony on the airport floor during the layover
  • (there's a softball under there btw)
  • and Brad getting food poisoning so that our 2 hour drive to Placid (in the rain) turned into a 2.5+ hour drive since we had to pull over twice for, um, cleansing.....
  • and arriving at 3am....
Anyway, after all that, we got up this morning and put our sleds together, all excited for sliding.

Then, the rain turned to this:

And the roads to this:

Being from Alaska, I wouldn't have worried, until we got halfway to the track. "Sliding in 2 hours!!!" I said, so excited.

At about that moment, we came across a roadblock. The road was CLOSED, so badly that they TURNED THE SNOWPLOWS AROUND too!

Sliding canceled for today. Frown.

In good news though, I got all settled in.

A normal bed, and my roommate:

My bed, the frame tilted up so the mattress is on the floor, to give my back more support:

It has the added bonus of providing places for things to hang, i.e. towels and ID/key, and a place to store things behind. Very convenient. ;)

Anyway, I also got some work done and put out a few fires, had therapy and concussion baseline testing done at Sports Med, and overall had a productive day, but am still bummed that we didn't get to slide. :(


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hang in there and GOOD LUCK!! Cindi
