Kimber Gabryszak: - Skeleton racing - Mountain biking (especially downhilling) - Travel - Family - and much MUCH MORE!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Many travels - part 1

I had only one weekend at home between my sister's wedding (a few posts back) in August, and finishing Team Trials last weekend. Only now do I feel like things have settled down at all - even finding time to clean the house was difficult!

First trip: the weekend after the wedding, Brad and I flew out to Minnesota to visit his parents, and of course to go to the State Fair. I was so excited - hadn't been to a fair since the Alaska State Fair about 7 years ago!

It was everything I'd hoped for and more...

We went to the "miracle of life" exhibit, which turned out to be pregnant and recently born farm animals. Little animals are so cute, no matter what species they are!

A little lamb had just been born:



And piglets:

Brad was super cute, petting the new baby calf:


It was crowded, but there was lots and lots of food. All on sticks.

Giant corn dogs on a stick

Corn on a stick

Cheese, bacon, and even cheesecake on a stick!

I was so full.

But had energy from the food to try to win a prize at the hammer swing. The crowd was kind of quiet, then a cheer went up when I out-hit the guy before me. Pretty sweet. (For what it's worth, I got up somewhere around the 50 mark, the full goatee, but I can't remember for sure.)

Of course, being athletes, we couldn't leave it there. The next morning, we had to burn off some calories and keep up with our training, so we went to the local high school for a sprint workout. Phew, net loss of calories, or so I hoped.

Brad and the water tower - we don't have water towers like this here in Utah so I am always fascinated by them.


minnesota 2009

We finished off the trip with this pretty sunset:



1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that last shot with the sunset and bridge. The fair looked fun as well. I got your package today. Thank you so much. The clothes/coats will go to great use. Someone is going to be much warmer this Winter, thanks to you.
