Kimber Gabryszak: - Skeleton racing - Mountain biking (especially downhilling) - Travel - Family - and much MUCH MORE!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Moab, and I'm a slacker for taking so long to post...

Okay, Brad and I went to Moab the last weekend of April with some friends from the TGR board (maggots, grin).

SUPER sweet time, can't believe I haven't posted here yet! Rode some line I hadn't ridden before, that many of us usually walk down. Felt like I made a lot of progress, and just really had a good time! LOVE the UPS trail, and as usual, it was the only one we rode all weekend. We always have these good intentions of riding some different trails, but always get sucked back into the perfection of UPS/LPS/Porcupine. BIG sigh, ahhhhhhh.

This thread was put up by CS, one of the guys in our group. (I'm yentna on there.)

Cool trip! Very exciting.....

This is Rob, AWEsome guy. Here he is after nailing a tough line, the YAY look. Grin.
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A couple jump shots of Brad and I:
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The super tough line I nailed...though it's hard to tell from this shot. From a distance, you can see it. This is where a friend broke a rock with his head season before last....
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Edit to add a sweet pic of Brad getting after it. The look, the cform, mmmm.
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