Kimber Gabryszak: - Skeleton racing - Mountain biking (especially downhilling) - Travel - Family - and much MUCH MORE!

Monday, November 29, 2010

World Cup!!!

I've been VERY lax about updating here, when quite important things have happened! I apologize... I know excuses are lame, so I just apologize.

In way of explanation, (though it's not nearly understandable) is that my time during the last week of trials was busy with work and sliding, then frantically packing / working to get ready to leave earlier than expected, and then the first world cup race in Whistler was so grueling and painful that all I did every day was slide and then try to recover from the track!

I'll post in a few days about the Whistler race and my World Cup debut, but all joking aside need to go put some ice on my ribs first. Hahah. I'll also try to put together a post about the rest of Team Trials, now that I have the energy to look at my computer.

In the meantime, suffice it to say that the rest of Trials went better, enough that the pieces came together in a miraculous chain of events that put me on the World Cup team, at least for the first half of the season!!!

Here's a copy of the USA Today / AP article that fills in the gaps a bit more. The author is great and a pleasure to talk to, and didn't make me sound anything like the blabberingly excited idiot I was when he called. Grin.


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