Kimber Gabryszak: - Skeleton racing - Mountain biking (especially downhilling) - Travel - Family - and much MUCH MORE!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Goodbye hair!

you've probably noticed a change in me in the last few posts, so....well, I've had both short hair and long hair in the time that most of you have known me, but it's been probably 3 years since I had short hair.

So it had gotten pretty long.

It's usually stick straight, but I'd had it in a braid so it's all squiggly.

And it was time to say farewell to some chunks.

Some LONG chunks, which were donated to Locks of Love.

And the result is awesome.

This is after the stylist styled it.


But the awesome thing is that I don't have to do much to it!

This is after a shower and a brushing only, then a day of work, then a workout! I can handle that.

It's even great with sliding - I was worried it would be too short to manage with my helmet, but it's just fine.

So, I don't think I'll be going long again for a while!

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