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Friday, September 24, 2010

Evening bike ride - dog pictures

Jean Luc and I have been doing a lot of biking - well, frequent biking, not distance biking. He can only make about a half hour before he's toast, so we just do short rides. We've been good at getting out a couple mornings a week at a local trail, before work and before other people get out so we have it to ourselves.

A couple days ago, Brad and I decided to do an evening ride. We were worn out from training and decided to skip running and do a mellow bike ride instead.

It's funny, Jean Luc's Pavlovian response always kicks in when he sees me put on bike shorts, and he starts running around like crazy wanting to go.

He loves to run on the trails.

He is really good too - he knows "in front" and "behind" the bikes, will wait for me when I say wait, will leave behind things he wants to sniff / chew when I say "leave it" and is all around not a pain in the butt on bike rides!

Plus, he's just so cute out there. Here he's doing a little sprint.

Unfortunately, I'm not good at catching him in an ALL OUT sprint. Instead, you get the Picasso version...

The cool thing about the night ride was the sunset. Here's Brad riding out of it.

The sun angle gave me the shadow to take a picture of both Jean Luc and myself...

Like I said, he doesn't last long, and after our 32 minute ride he's buried in the water bowl.

And his tongue is doing this.


Then when we get home he does this for at least an hour, panting the whole time.

But he loves it so the suffering must be worth his while. And I love it too.

1 comment:

  1. That is such a great shot of him with his head buried in a water bowl. You should submit that somewhere.
    What a great dog.
