New Haircut!
Disclaimer: the pictures that are sideways, I forgot to rotate! Will do later. Ooops!
Ok, so I finally did it. I've been growing my hair out for a year and a half, approx., and finally have enough hair to donate to Locks of Love, an organization that takes donated hair and makes wigs for kids with cancer. You need 10 inches to donate. So, having well over ten (or so I thought), I went in today to a basic hair salon that participates in the program for my free haircut (it's free there if you donate, swell!).
First, I took these (lame) shots in the living room in front of the mirror - the before picture:
The before picture at the salon (Sonja, the stylist, was very helpful with taking pictures:
The ponytail, future cancer child wig!
The final cut, from the rear:
Oh, did I mention I also colored it? The cooking of the hair:
Final product?
Hey Kimberdoodle! Love the cut & the color! I am passing along a message from Mark (the pilot)Englerth. He's been trying to get in touch with you. His email is if you are interested in chatting with him. He's been bugging Lynda forever to get your email address who in turn bugs me about it. Anyway all is pretty good here. Norm has had some bad bouts with his heart but is doing OK right now. Take Care! Love your dog! Your old friend from Integra, Karen